November 5, 2012

Haas Faculty Named Top B-School Profs


Laura Counts

Haas faculty were recently profiled as the world's top business professors by several media outlets.

The business school website Poets & Quants gave a special shout-out to professors Jenny Chatman, chair of the faculty's Management and Organizations Group; Dwight Jaffee, co-chair of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics; and Atif Mian, an associate professor who is currently on leave. In addition, Associate professors Cameron Anderson and Terry Taylor were nominated to compete in The Economist's Business Professor of the Year Award, which selects finalists through a public online vote.

Jaffee has taught for 45 years at Haas as well as Princeton, NYU, and MIT. His areas of specialty include the mortgage market, particularly the subprime mortgage crisis, and insurance. One student quoted by Poets & Quants credited Jaffee with having "awesome economic intuition."

Chatman, who also was profiled by Fortune/CNN Money, specializes in dissecting what happens when organizations mix and match people and personalities and then group them together to meet a common business goal. Her research specifically deals with organizational culture, managing diverse professionals, and getting teams on one accord to meet business needs.

"Certain professors leave an indelible mark on their students long after they’ve moved on from their studies. Jennifer Chatman has that impact on all her students," Oakland Raiders CFO Marc Badain told Poets & Quants. "She goes beyond any statistical measurement and improves them as students, leaders and people."

Meanwhile, a student nomination of Taylor for The Economist award called him "amazing at teaching Operations" and also noted how much he supports his graduate student teaching instructions.

A student who nominated Anderson said his Power and Politics in Organizations course is "one of the must-take courses at Haas." "He brings cutting-edge research findings from psychology and the social sciences into the classroom in a powerful and effective way," the nomination said. "His students love him, and, even more telling, alumni who took his course said it was incredibly valuable.

Voting for Taylor and Anderson to become finalists for The Economist award is open until Friday, Nov. 23, at 5 p.m. (GMT) and requires signing up for an account. 

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