February 14, 2013

New Scholar-in-Residence Brings Social Impact Thought Leadership to Haas


Laura Counts

Haas’ Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership strides into spring with its first Schwab Charitable Speaker Series event of the semester March 6, featuring its new scholar in residence, former McKinsey consultant Laura Callanan, talking on social impact bonds.

The yearlong Schwab Charitable Philanthropy Speaker Series brings together thought leaders with Haas students, alumni, and community members to discuss cutting-edge issues and explore best practices for social impact. The March 6 event, at 7 p.m. in the Wells Fargo room, will address social impact bonds and how they could work in the United States. Callanan will present a McKinsey & Company report she co-authored called “From Potential to Action: Bringing Social Impact Bonds to the US,” the most comprehensive report to date on this new public-private approach to scaling social services.

The event also will feature Carla Javits, President of REDF, who will discuss her organization’s proposal to implement a pay-for-success program in California. REDF is a San Francisco-based venture philanthropy organization that provides equity-like grants and business assistance to nonprofits in California to start and expand social enterprises while giving jobs to young people and adults who otherwise face bleak employment prospects. The organization has a goal of expanding to employ 2,500 more people in social enterprises in California.

For registration and more information on the Social Impact Bonds event, visit http://cnpl-socialimpactbonds.eventbrite.com.

The Center is pleased to welcome Laura Callanan as a Scholar in Residence. Laura has vast experience as a consultant, author, and teacher in the field of social innovation. From 2008 to 2013, she was a Senior Expert in McKinsey’s New York office and a member of the Social Innovation Practice, where she led work on sustainable capitalism, social investing, foundation strategy and social innovation. 

Prior to joining McKinsey, Laura consulted with The Synergos Institute, a nonprofit organization addressing global poverty and social injustice, and with E-Line Ventures, a double-bottom-line investment fund focused on video games with social impact. Laura has also served as Senior Adviser at the United Nations Development Programme’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Executive Director of The Prospect Hill Foundation, and Associate Director of The Rockefeller Foundation. She holds a master of public administration from Colunbia University.

Callanan has also served in senior positions with the United Nations Development Programme’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, The Prospect Hill Foundation, and The Rockefeller Foundation Wallace Foundation. She holds a master of public administration from Columbia University.

Additionally this spring, the Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership welcomes Haas alumni working in the social impact sector to mentor MBAs. Students are paired with experienced alumni for thirty- to sixty-minute sessions to discuss social impact career paths and ways to enter the constantly evolving industry. Mentors this semester include Wes Selke, MBA 07, founding director of Hub Ventures and investment manager at Good Capital;  Elizabeth Singleton, MBA 08, strategy officer at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; and Abi Ridgway, MBA 11, a social impact consultant at FSG.

For more information, visit http://nonprofit.haas.berkeley.edu/new/mentoring.html or email [email protected].

Scholar-in-Residence Laura Callanan

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