2024 Berkeley Haas Year in Review
Artful Bragging, Power & Influence, and Leading Learning Teams are among a dozen workshops of a new, carefully designed leadership development series aimed at helping Berkeley MBA students become more effective leaders.
The new Berkeley MBA Leadership Development Series is a set of not-for-credit interactive workshops designed to round out the experience and knowledge gained by students in the classroom and through experiential learning opportunities at Haas.
While some of these workshops have been successfully offered at Haas before, the new series ensures that students have access to a full complement of executive training options focused on three areas: self, team, and organization.
"We designed the Leadership Development Series collaboratively with Abby Scott and Pat DeMasters in Career Services and Jen Sang, who works on cross-program initiatives in the Dean's Office," says Adam Berman, executive director, emerging initiatives. "Together, we are launching a series of workshops that will give students a specific set of practical tools critical to building organizations through different phases of their careers."
William Arrunda, Entrepreneur magazine’s anointed “personal branding guru,” launched the series with a workshop titled Stand Out: Build your Brand, on Sunday, Sept. 13. Arrunda shared his secrets to building and communicating a winning personal brand.
Also on the lineup of experts leading the workshops is Srikumar Rao, author of Are You Ready to Succeed? and an adjunct professor at the London Business School. Rao will offer what the New York Times called his signature “marketing with a twist” as he addresses how to manage ambiguity and uncertainty in a workshop titled Harnessing Your Full Potential.
Other course topics include using theater skills to be an effective communicator, developing staff coaching plans, optimal decision making, and exploring how to navigate corporate politics. Students can pick and choose which workshops to attend based on their individual needs.
MBA students will receive workshop announcements with registration information via email before each event.
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