Many students received special honors at the 2016 commencement ceremonies, as they brought to a close their education in the classroom but not their lifelong connection to Berkeley-Haas.
In addition to recognizing students with top academic records, each class also honored classmates who best embody each of the four Haas Defining Principles, which define the school’s culture:
Question the Status Quo: We lead by championing bold ideas, taking intelligent risks and accepting sensible failures. This means speaking our minds even when it challenges convention. As leaders and creative thinkers, we thrive at the world’s epicenter of innovation.
Confidence Without Attitude: We make decisions based on evidence and analysis, giving us the confidence to act without arrogance. We lead through trust and collaboration.
Students Always: We are a community designed for curiosity and lifelong pursuit of personal and intellectual growth. We know that there is always more to learn. We strive to engage with others in continuous pursuit of knowledge and growth.
Beyond Yourself: We shape our world by leading ethically and responsibly. As stewards of our enterprises, we take the longer view in our decisions and actions. This often means putting larger interests above our own.
Berkeley Leader awards were given to students in the MBA classes who best embody all four Defining Principles.
Photo: Full-time MBA award winners Olivia Anglade, Jen Fischer & Sarah Tait
Full-time MBA Awards
Academic Achievement Award: Libbey Davis Hunt, GPA 3.938
Question the Status Quo: Olivia R. Anglade
Confidence Without Attitude: Jen Fischer
Students Always: Sarah Elizabeth Tait
Beyond Yourself: Franklin Lehmer Russell
The Berkeley Leader Award: Daniel Gelbard Fishman & Angela Diane Steele
Photo: Daniel Fishman & Angela Steele
Undergraduate Awards
Outstanding Academic Achievement: Sofia Mimi Pardini
Question the Status Quo: Amy He
Confidence Without Attitude: Bryce Jared Schierenbeck
Students Always: Tai Tran (Pictured)
Beyond Yourself: Jessica Ou
(Watch a slideshow of the undergrad commencement here.)
Award winners William Morgenstern, Elvina Hewitt, Angela Cheng, Jack Shao-Wei Song, Melissa Althea Tsang, and Sara Narayan, and student speaker Luis Bellon
Evening and Weekend MBA Awards
Outstanding Academic Achievement: Sara Narayan, GPA of 3.956
Question the Status: Quo: Elvina Hewitt
Confidence Without Attitude: William Morgenstern
Students Always: Angela Cheng
Beyond Yourself: Melissa Althea Tsang
The Berkeley Leader Award: Jack Shao-Wei Song
For more on the EWMBA commencement and award winners click here.