March 9, 2010

Conference to Shine Spotlight on Energy Research, March 18


Haas News

The Energy Institute at Haas will bring together students, academics as well as energy professionals and regulators Thursday, March 18, for the 15th annual POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy.

The conference at UC Berkeley's International House will feature a lunchtime keynote address titled "Electricity Policy for America: Enabling a Smart Grid, End to End" by Mason Willrich, director of the California Clean Energy Fund, chair of the California Independent System Operator, and a senior adviser to the MIT Energy Innovation Project.

Discussion sessions throughout the day will examine such topics as energy efficiency programs, integrating renewable energy into the grid, and cap and trade programs.

Faculty and students participating from the Haas School and Energy Institute include Haas Assistant Professor Lucas Davis; Haas Professor Severin Borenstein, co-director of the Energy Institute; and Meredith Fowlie, an assistant professor in the UC Berkeley Agriculture and Resource Economics Department and Energy Institute visiting researcher.

Early-bird discounts on registration end Tuesday, March 9. For more information, visit

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