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Prof. David Teece
Prof. David J. Teece was ranked as the world’s most-cited scholar in the field of business and management in an analysis of author citations across all the sciences published by the journal PLOS Biology.
Prof. Ross Levine is the 10th most-cited author out of 33,500 researchers in the field of economics, according to the analysis.
The author database assessed scientists’ career-long impact by counting the number of citations of their work from 1960 through 2019. Starting from a pool of eight million scientists who have published at least five papers in their careers, the article ranked the top 2% of authors across 174 fields.
Teece, the Thomas W. Tusher Professor in Global Business and faculty director of the Tusher Center for The Management of Intellectual Capital, came in No. 1 among more than 36,000 authors publishing in the field of business and management. The database counted 37,700 citations of his work, excluding self-citations.
Teece is an expert on industrial organization, technological change, and innovation, particularly as it relates to antitrust, competition, and intellectual property. According to Google Scholar, which is based on a broader measure of citations, his work has been cited almost 170,000 times in all.

Prof. Ross Levine
Levine is the Willis H. Booth Chair in Banking and Finance at Berkeley Haas, and an expert on how finance and regulation shapes the economy. The database counted 31,000 citations of his work. Based on Google Scholar, his work has been cited almost 160,000 times in all. Levine was also ranked as the 12th most-cited economist in the world by the website IDEAS, which is the largest online database of economics research.
Berkeley and Haas have long been economics powerhouses, supplying economists to state and federal governments as well as central banks around the world.
The PLOS Biology database, “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators,” was created by John Ioannidis of Stanford University, Kevin Boyack if SciTech Strategies, and Jeroen Baas of Elsevier Research Intelligence.
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