When Emily Ewell introduced her line of boxers for transgender men who menstruate, she sparked much debate in an industry that has traditionally marketed to women.
“It was very shocking, but it was by far our most successful launch in terms of brand awareness, reach, and press,” Ewell says. “We showed that diversity and inclusion is central to our brand and identity.”
The boxer is one of many washable menstrual hygiene products Ewell’s company, Pantys, has launched to offer a sustainable solution for the planet and for people who have periods.
“All of our innovation is focused on health and sustainability. Those pillars drive our mission, communications, research and development, and every aspect of the business,” she says.
Pantys made its debut in Brazil in 2017 with a highly absorbent, leak-proof, menstrual underwear using its clinically approved pantyliner technology. Since then, the company has grown in popularity and has added new products, including swim, maternity, and incontinence undergarments.
With a strong online presence and three stores in Brazil and Europe, Pantys is successfully creating change in a market dominated by disposable products.
“We’re in the business of changing people’s habits, which is a difficult business model. We don’t use eco-shaming in our marketing. We inspire people to make the change,” she says.
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