Meet the Spieker Scholars: Claudia Lizeth Carrillo
The Full-Time Berkeley MBA program is ranked #9 in the world by QS and is #11 in the US on Forbes’ list of Best Business Schools 2019.
The QS ranking is based on an employer survey, an academic survey and data provided by participating business schools. Each ranked school’s overall score factors inemployability (40%), return on investment (20%), entrepreneurship and other alumni outcomes (15%), thought leadership (15%), and class and faculty diversity (10%).
The Forbes ranking, published on September 18, is based on the five-year return on investment achieved by MBA graduates from the class of 2014. It weighs the salary increases post-MBA against the opportunity costs of forgone salary, tuition, and required fees. Forbes included more than 100 schools in its ranking and reached out to 17,500 alumni around the globe for the 2019 ranking.
The Berkeley MBA class of 2014 reported a five-year salary gain of about $75,000 on a pre-MBA salary of $88,000, compared to a 2018 salary of $205,000. Alumni reported a payback time of 4.1 years.
Forbes has ranked the top MBA programs based on their ROI biennially since 1999.
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