January 19, 2010

Haas to Host Economist Innovation Conference


Haas News

The Haas School of Business will be the host sponsor of the Economist Innovation Conference on March 23-24, 2010. The theme of this event will be “Innovation: Fresh thinking for the ideas economy.”

The program will bring together academic and business leaders to address where ideas come from, the role of failure, and how to design truly innovative organizations that will solve difficult problems, create new ideas, and advance humanity into a brighter future.

Featured speakers include :

  • Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder, Acumen Fund
  • Joi Ito, Chief Executive Officer, Creative Commons 
  • Michael Porter, Professor, Harvard Business School 
  • Tim Brown, Chief Executive Officer, IDEO 
  • Paul Saffo, Visiting Scholar, Stanford Media X research network 
  • Jared Diamond, Author, Guns, Germs, and Steel; Professor, UCLA 
  • Robert Reich, Fmr. Secretary of Labor; Professor, UC Berkeley 
  • Annalee Saxenian, Professor, School of Information, UC Berkeley 
  • Richard Lyons, Dean, Haas School of Business

This is the inaugural event of a three-part series organized by the group that publishes the Economist magazine, with additional events on intelligent infrastructure and human potential following later in the year at other venues.

The Economist Newspaper Group is the lead organizer of the event, responsible for content, logistics, registration, and marketing. The Haas School is providing the facilities and basic support, through the Marketing and Communications and Dean’s offices and the Center for Executive Education.

There will be a limited number of discounted tickets available to Haas faculty and students. Look for more information in Haas NewsWire soon.

Alumni are invited to register at a 30% discount. To secure a discount ticket, please enter the discount code “HAAS” (all capital letters) when prompted after entering your contact information at the registration link. The registration site will display the discount price before your credit card is charged.

More information about the program is available at ideas.economist.com/.

(Updated 2/2/2010)

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