March 9, 2010

Christina Romer and Rich Lyons To Speak at Economist Innovation Conference, March 23-24


Haas News

Christina Romer, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and a UC Berkeley economics professor, will be a featured keynote speaker at the Economist’s innovation conference titled “Innovation: Fresh thinking for the ideas economy,” to be held at the Haas School March 23 and 24.

Dean Rich Lyons will lead a panel on innovations in the finance industry, while Sara Beckman, faculty director of the Management of Technology program, will participate in a panel on design.

The conference will gather senior executives from business, governments, nonprofits, and universities to examine the latest thinking on what makes innovation possible, how innovation is changing, and why innovation matters today more than ever.

Additional speakers include :

  • Tim Brown, Chief Executive Officer, IDEO
  • Clayton Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School
  • Jared Diamond, Author, Guns, Germs, and Steel; Professor, UCLA
  • Arianna Huffington, Editor in Chief, The Huffington Post
  • Joi Ito, Chief Executive Officer, Creative Commons
  • Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder, Acumen Fund
  • Michael Porter, Professor, Harvard Business School
  • Robert Reich, Former US Secretary of Labor; Professor, UC Berkeley
  • Paul Saffo, Visiting Scholar, Stanford Media X research network
  • Annalee Saxenian, Professor, School of Information, UC Berkeley

The event is organized by the Economist and is the first in a series of events on innovation. More information about the program is available at

The Haas School community is invited to register at a 30% discount. To secure a discount ticket, please enter the discount code “HAAS” (all capital letters) when prompted after entering your contact information at the registration link. The registration site will display the discount price before your credit card is charged.

Haas School faculty are invited to meet speakers and guests at a VIP reception at the Hotel Durant on Monday evening, March 22. An invitation will be emailed by the Center for Executive Education in the coming days.

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