Berkeley Haas Magazine Fall 2019
The Big Question:
How have you tapped into your Haas or Berkeley connections to improve your life?
Gerald Colvin, of Daly City, Calif., is retired.
David Monasch, III, of Burlingame, Calif., writes, “I have had two working careers: ele- mentary school teacher and principal in San Francisco from 1958 to 1980 and controller of the House of Sobel in San Francisco from 1980 to 1985. Owner of Monasch Services from 1980 and am still working full time in property management and accounting. I have been married to Sandra Stolowitz Monasch for 59 years and living in Burlingame, Calif., for the past 43 years. We have two children and five grandchildren.”
Richard Tavernetti, of San Francisco, notes, “After graduation from Haas, I moved to NYC, graduated from Columbia P&S, did an orthopedic surgery residency at UCLA Harbor General Hospital, and practiced in San Francisco for 40 years. During my practice years I devel- oped and patented a total knee prosthesis. A board member of Cyclotron Corporation and a member of Friends Council Bancroft Library. Four children: a math instructor at UC Davis, an emergency room MD, a CCO of a financial firm, and a social worker.”
Philip Schuyler Bailey See MBA 1965.
The Answer
“Several of my classmates worked as CPAs and investment bankers in the Bay Area. Our careers included sharing mutual clients and referrals to both our benefit as well as the clients’!”
Carl Jacobs has been actively singing—including singing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at Disney Hall recently. He has done other concertizing in addition to his work as a part-time cantor, leading Jewish services. He recently became co-president of the L.A. chapter of the Berkeley Haas Alumni Network. He and his girlfriend toured Italy this past summer including renting a large villa near Lake Como for a week where a dozen friends and relatives joined them to celebrate Carl’s 75th birthday. He will head to Antarctica in January, the last continent he has yet to visit.
Dennis Wu See MBA 1967.
Kent Halkett, of Brentwood, Tenn., announces, “In October I was a co-presenter/ speaker at the Root Cause Coalition’s National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health, conducting a session titled Establishing a Medical-Legal Partner- ship in the Primary Care Setting (in San Diego). My wife, Kim, and I moved to the Nashville area in mid-2017. We love it!”
Ray Karno, of Coronado, Calif., notes, “I am enjoying semi-retired life in Coronado (San Diego area) with my wife, Hillary. For the past 20 years of my sales/ marketing career, I enjoyed working in the supremely hot arena of helping SMBs outsource their HR function. I’m still doing this work, but only part time now and with my own firm: HRO2GO. It is thrilling for me to help dynamic SMBs make this strategic, Win-Win-Win transition to offloading their HR and administration so they can focus on building their businesses.”
Sophie Kim, of Mill Valley, Calif., writes, “My Cal experience as a Haas undergrad was truly amazing, and I couldn’t imagine anywhere more fitting and uplifting for my life as a college student. It was everything that I could have asked for—so I had thought. But two years ago, my daughter Danielle Egan chose to attend UC Berkeley where, by sheer coincidence, she was assigned to live in the same dorm, on the same floor, across from the very room in Deutsch Hall where I lived as a freshman in 1980. Not much has changed in the halls of Deutsch—colors of the walls, doors, and carpet—all looked pretty much as I remember them. Every visit was as if I were in a time warp. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any more coincidental, to my surprise and delight, my daughter increasingly became interested in pursuing a marketing career—like me!—and applied as an undergraduate to Haas. I am thrilled to say that this fall, she is following in my footsteps as a second generation to attend Haas. As for me, I have followed my daughter back to Cal to serve as a member of UC Berkeley ’s Parent Board.”
Suzanne Verge, of Santa Monica, Calif., updates, “I’ve been volunteering for Donor to Donor; part of our mis- sion is to raise awareness of the kidney crisis in this country. In December 2016, I donated my kidney to a stranger, as a ‘non-directed donor’ in order to start a chain of donations known as a kidney chain. This act was the best thing I have done in my life after raising our family. Most living donors will tell you the same. I am telling you about this now because I would like you to consider whether such an act is suitable in your case. Donors have many explanations; this one resonated with me: I am sitting in a life boat wearing two life jackets. There are people in the water swimming for their lives. I only need one life jacket. Of course I will give someone the other one. To learn more, write me at SuzanneVerge@”
Rick Sasner, of Lafayette, Calif., writes, “Founded Bramicon Capital eight years ago. Bramicon invests in apartment buildings and commercial properties throughout the Bay Area. This year founded RiverRun Entertainment. RiverRun produces and finances feature films. Our first movie, Aftermath, will be released in 2020. Been living in the East Bay for the past 16 years. Have a son who just graduated from UCLA, a daughter who is studying musical theater in conservatory, and my youngest is in high school.”
Deborah (Chen) Keesey, of Torrance, Calif., is still a partner at a boutique law firm in Torrance, practicing trusts and estates law.
Rich Pearson See MBA 1998.

Tania Anici Kelley, BS 89, earned a 2019 North Bay Women in Business Award for her work as senior VP and head of marketing at Novato-based Hennessy
Funds. The award celebrates keen insight, courage, and creativity.
Timothy Yee, of Alameda, Calif., writes, “The Anne Frank House was a must-do on our vacation. She reflects, among many things, the principle of ‘Beyond Yourself’ and shows the need for moral, ethical, and responsible leadership.”
The Answer
“Prospective 401(k) clients’ questions about who I am are frequently answered with just, ‘Haas School of Business, 1990.’ Character, discipline, grit, and social/ environmental justice all in one phrase.”
Mister Emael (Ernesto Arellano), returned to Spain to work in País Vasco. “My official title is cultural ambassador through the Ministry of Education; however, my primary responsibilities are as a language assistant. I moved back to the U.S. for a year to apply to film school. I ended up applying only to USC and UCLA, which offer generous scholarships. I was not accepted and am contemplating applying again. Spielberg after all applied twice before being accepted.”
Stephanie (Quan) Louie, of Millbrae, Calif., announces, “After 15+ years working to reposition and relaunch iconic brands, and develop and launch new products, I decided to venture out on my own. I started my own brand strategy consulting practice last year and am on a mission to help brands and businesses, big and small, find their north star and thrive. It’s been quite an experience thus far and definitely keeping me busy, along with my kids Clarissa (10) and Magnus (6).”
Devin Tau, of Portland, Ore., reports, “Getting my degree at Haas was never just about the top-notch financial education—it was about integrating core business principles with creativity and innovation to pursue my life goals. After gaining a solid foundation in high-tech as a financial analyst and witnessing firsthand the dot com boom and bust, I decided to pursue my passion for visual artistry by transitioning to the apparel industry. Working as a merchant with brands like Gap, Lands’ End, and Hanna Andersson was a chance to combine both the hard-headed numbers game of retail with the exciting and ever-changing world of fashion.
“Eventually this led to the ultimate leap out of the corporate world altogether, to pursue a passion for photography by attending film school in Portland. My becoming an independent filmmaker couldn’t have happened without the Haas education and community that gave me the ‘confidence to act without arrogance.’ My latest project, ‘Who’s on Top: LGBTQs Summit Mount Hood,’ is a groundbreaking real-life story of people who surmount obstacles to find their true selves:”
Will Edmonson, of West Hollywood, Calif., notes, “I continue to practice law, primarily handling litigation matters for individuals and small and mid-sized busi- nesses. Before starting my own firm, I was a partner at Doll, Amir & Eley
LLP and an associate at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. I offer big law firm experience and talent at affordable rates. Contact me: will@whelawfirm. com or 424-248-9581 if I can help with anything.”
Roy Ng announced his new company, Bond, an enterprise-grade fintech platform that integrates banks with brands to offer personalized and compliant financial products. Bond aims to accelerate innovation and access to capital. The company ’s co-founders—including Cal alum Yan Wu, BS 05 (mechanical engineering)—raised a $10 million seed round. Michael Gil- roy, BA 09 (economics), at Canaan led the round.
Diana Rothschild, of San Francisco, is excited to share that she is growing the strategic partnerships team at TaskRabbit!
Kevin Chou received the Asian Pacific Fund’s Philanthropy Leadership Award in SF recognizing his significant gift to Haas for Chou Hall.
Steve Aguirre, of Chicago, announces, “I launched leadership consultancy Real Fun Growth Inc. this year. We are focused on re-imagining the corporate learning experience by combining fun engaging content, practical application, social science research, and technology. If your company needs an innovative approach to training on communication, leadership, or mindset, reach out: steve.aguirre@realfungrowth. Instagram: @realfungrowth.
“I celebrated my one-year wedding anniversary in August 39 with my amazing wife, RosaMarie. We moved from NYC to Chicago, I delivered a 20-minute stand-up comedy routine (my longest set ever), and started taking classes at the Second City Improv training center!”
The Answer
“I used the network to get introduced to some new friends before we moved to Chicago.”
Sean Crowe, of Santa Monica, Calif., updates, “I’ve spent the past 10 years as a corporate lawyer helping my clients buy and sell businesses, and now I’m starting my own business! It’s called thready (, and it’s a messaging app that lets you create threads with your friends and family so you can easily keep track of what matters. The thready app is simple like text messaging but has the organization of Slack. Being a startup founder is a total 180 from what I’d been doing, and I’m loving the challenges that come with building a business from the ground up and using the skills I learned at Haas. Get thready and Go Bears!”
Clement Kao, of San Francisco, announces, “I’m currently a product manager at Blend, a fintech startup digitizing the consumer lending ecosystem. We just raised our Series E round, and we’re actively hiring! Check out for all openings.”
Pedro David Espinoza, of Palo Alto, Calif., writes: “Pedro David Espinoza has co-written a book with Jorge Titinger, with contributions from Eric Schmidt, PhD 82 in EECS (ex-Google CEO), Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO), and Dan Schulman (PayPal CEO). The book is called Differences That Make a Difference: How Companies Succeed by Focusing on Innovation through Inclusion. Pedro interviewed 100 executives, including Judith Estrin (internet pioneer), Michelle K. Lee (undersecretary of commerce), and Tony West (Uber CLO). Pat Gelsinger (VMware CEO) wrote the foreword. Visit:
“UC President Janet Napolitano awarded Pedro David Espinoza the ‘2017 I Am a UC Entrepreneur’ award for the Berkeley campus. This inspired Pedro to embrace community service at a deeper level by founding Pan Peru USA, a 501(c)3 that empowers under- served Peruvian women to become entrepreneurs:”
The Answer
“As part of SkyDeck, I met Tesla co-founder Marc Tarpenning. This gave me access to leaders I interviewed for my book on the power of diversity, inclusion, and disruption.”
Sam Singer, of San Francisco, writes, “I recently joined Colliers International in the San Francisco office, working in office leasing. I specialize in finding customized real estate solutions for corporate clients to align their business goals with their real estate strategies. I came to Cal from Miami, then moved to Israel for two years to play basketball professionally, and just recently moved back to the Bay Area.”
Nick Kennedy announces, “I started a new role as chief operations officer at Rose Strategic Communications—a boutique consulting firm in Fresno, Calif., that focuses on marketing, PR, and government relations in California’s Central Valley and beyond. We serve both private and public sector clients, so feel free to connect with me directly or through www. “I am also celebrating one year as manager of Eager Seas—an indie rock group hailing from San Luis Obispo ( Check out their calendar for upcoming shows. Before moving back to Fresno, I took a solo road trip across the U.S., covering 19 cities, 17 states, and about 10,000 miles.”
Moncarol Wang, of San Francisco, after a year in tax consulting, is now working as a legal assistant at an SF bou- tique law firm and preparing law school applications.
Raja Riahi co-founded Wymbo, an app that connects UC Berkeley students with campus resources, events, and opportunities. Riahi co-developed the app as part of SkyDeck, UC Berkeley’s startup accelerator and incubator program.
Tom Fish, of Black Butte Ranch, Ore., writes, “New job? Class ’57 grads—that’s only 60-some years ago. Are you there? Yes. Two great great-grandchildren, in Sitka, Alaska. The fishing Fish family!”
Stanley Goodrich notes, “For the past 20 years, I’ve been public relations manager for SYSPRO, a developer and seller of enterprise resource planning software. I’m now located in Southern California (Laguna Niguel), but my dream is to relocate back to San Francisco.”
Jerry Turner passed away in July. A pioneer in athletic footwear, Turner helped drive the industry’s explosive growth over a 60-year career. He introduced the first shoe to use EVA, an air-infused foam that replaced rubber and became a mainstay of running shoes throughout the industry. Read about his life in Podium Runner:
Philip Schuyler Bailey, of Berkeley, Calif., writes, “Retired in 2003 after 39 years in banking, beginning with The Bank of California and its successors/mergers: California First Bank, Union Bank of California, and finally Union Bank (now MUFGUnion Bank). I was VP and manager of the Berkeley office from 1981 until I retired, growing the branch from $32 million to $80 million.
“My wife, Susie, née Susie Thompson, BA 65 (psychology), and I bought a 25-foot Lazy Daze RV in early 2004 and drove 50,000 miles to 37 states by late 2010. The trip included British Columbia, New England, the Canadian Maritimes, and long-dead ancestors’ homes/mansions/graves in Tennessee, Kentucky, New York, and New Jersey. In 2010, we had our first granddaughter, and the second in 2013—for whom we have been and still are significant caregivers five to seven days a week. They are the joys of our lives!
“After graduating, I was on the board of the Bay Area Chapter of Cal Business Alumni, helped start the East Bay Chapter, started the Blue News (predecessor to the current email newsletter), was on the board of Cal Business Alumni (the ‘Big Board’) for several years from 1970 to about 1976, and was the first recipient of the Raymond E. Miles Alumni Service Award. Then career and family and granddaughters got in the way! Budd Cheit was a very valued client of mine when I was manager of the Berkeley office of the bank!”
Dennis Wu was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation in San Francisco in April. Wu currently serves as chairman of the board of Recology, a $1 billion waste management company, 100% owned by its employees. He also currently serves as chair of the Northern California Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and as chair of the San Francisco Chapter of Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA). Previously, Wu served the Cal Business Alumni Association (now the Berkeley Haas Alumni Network) as president and three-term chair of development. He’s also the former managing partner of Northern California Financial Services Group; the founder and former national managing partner of Chinese Services Group USA, and a former managing partner, Southeast Asia Desk, of Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Dario Sattui is founder and owner of Calistoga, California-based Castello di Amorosa, which won USA Today’s Readers’ Choice “Best Tasting Room of 2019.” USA Today wrote, “Wine tasting at Castello di Amorosa transports you to a European-style castle.”
45th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Oyvind Holte, of Bergen, Norway, retired banker, now professional board member in finance, hospitals, and ocean shipping, became a grandfather in October with a second grandchild expected in February.
Anita Eblé passed away in October. During her 30-year career, she held administrative positions in both the UC Berkeley School of Law and the department of history, later working as assistant VP with the UC Office of the President.
Michael O’Donnell, of Denver, Colo., announces, “I am launching a nonprofit effort called Ecosystems for Healthy Lifestyles,, with the vision of making healthy lifestyle the norm in Colorado, and then in all 50 states.”
40th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Don Rath, of Burlingame, Calif., writes, “I retired on July 1, after a fantastic 38-year career in finance, which ended in a role as VP, tax with Synopsys, Inc. I am embarking on a new career writing short fiction and creative nonfiction and recently started an MFA program in creative writing at Queens University of Charlotte. Apart from writing, I am teaching part time at Golden Gate University and doing nonprofit board service. My husband, Steve, and I took our two kids (ages 16 and 12) on a two- week vacation in Europe shortly after my retirement. I am also enjoying pursuing health and fitness interests.”
Claudia (Bluestein) Cohan, of Kensington, Calif., has been enjoying retirement after a 35- year career in fundraising and nonprofit management, including 10 years in development at Berkeley Haas. She is currently applying her marketing and fundraising skills to filmmaking and building off her UC Davis undergraduate degree in plant science to learn landscape architecture.
The Answer
“The relationships I’ve made with Haas alums and staff by leading our North Bay Chapter sustained me during the apocalyptic 2017 fires from which we’re still recovering. Our chapter gatherings brought liveliness and vitality back to my life, and I am more resilient.”
35th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Karl (Karl-Otto) Hartmann, of Eastham, Mass., writes, “As an adjunct at Suffolk Law School in Boston, I teach classes on business planning (startups) and investment management regulation. Recently co-authored a law textbook, Investment Management Regulation: An Introduction to Principles and Practice, Carolina Academic Press, 2019. Moved to Cape Cod. Looking to connect with other alumni in the area.”
Andrew Turnbull, of Sunol, Calif., updates, “In December 2018, I associated with two management consulting firms and hung my own shingle, Andrew A. Turnbull Consulting. At Okos Partners, ‘We make companies smarter about their business.’ I am also proud to be a licensed consultant with the One Page Business Plan Company, celebrating its 25th year. A portion of my practice is devoted to ‘the horse, the people that love them, and recreation for both.’ “My wife, René, and I rode into our wedding on our horses and celebrated with about a hundred friends in October 2017 here in rural Sunol, California. We are now the proud grandparents of four (6, 6, 3, and 1) and we have four horses as well. We are both lifelong students of natural horsemanship, active competitors in relationship-based horsemanship sports, and we serve on boards for local horse organizations here in the San Francisco Bay Area.”
Colleen Cassidy, of Boston, forwards the following: “Lifelong Haas bonds brought six full- time MBA alumni from all over the U.S. to Little Rock, Arkansas. Haas laid the foundation for successful careers and lifelong friendships. Rich Strauch, MBA 85; Cindy (Baldwin) Strauch; Mike Hammon, MBA 85; Steve Nozik, MBA 85; Jana (Perry) Eyland, MBA 85; and Colleen Cassidy spent an interesting and lively weekend exploring the area, including visits to the Clinton Presidential Library and Hot Springs National Park, while discussing how to transition past careers to new contributions and commitments to continued learning. The friendships forged at Haas continue strong despite all the years and distance.”
Ajoy Khandheria, of Corte Madera, Calif., updates, “My company, Gramin Healthcare, is a primary care health care provider in rural India. Already the largest private company serving poor communities in India, it treated over 250,000 patients last year. We manage chronic/lifestyle diseases and charge a meager $0.20/year for a family of four for medical consultations and disease management. We are changing consumer behavior and getting the rural masses to move from traditional village quacks to institutional health care. Also, as our offering is prepaid, the consumer can return frequently at no additional cost, allowing us to provide wellness and preventative care.
“We moved back to the Bay Area as our kids get ready to apply to college, after amazing experiences in India over the past decade.”
Carrie Dern, of Oakland, Calif., notes, “Currently enjoying three-plus years in multi-family asset management at Bridge Partners in Walnut Creek. Life is good! Downsized from Orinda to Oakland, and we are enjoying our three grown daughters and their growing families!”
30th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Sindri Anderson, of Berkeley, Calif., reports, “Having not strayed far from campus, I am still leading Enact Leadership (located a mere 1.3 miles from the Campanile), co-founded in 2005. We have served amazing clients around the world and especially in our vibrant Bay Area. The work is deeply satisfying, especially our diversity/equity/inclusion practice area. We have recently gone digital with our Emerging Leader Experience for middle managers. Yes, I was a skeptic about training ‘soft’ skills through digital, but when cohort-based and interactive, it works! It’s an exciting time to be in this field. I really enjoy the continuous learning and challenge of the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment, and also mentoring the next generation of talent in leadership and organizational development. I’d love to reconnect with my Haas friends!”
Christopher Jay moved to Seattle three years ago.
Floris Vandenbroek, of Amsterdam, Netherlands (shown above with Shunsa Hayashi), updates, “Currently still CEO of Redsocks Security, the cyber security software company that we sold to Bitdefender last year. Made several ‘internationalization trips’ where I saw several fellow Haas alums.
“My wife, Eva, started a three-month ceramics workshop for perfecting her artwork. The kids (15, 18, 20) are slowly moving out of the house, with the oldest studying medicine in Leiden, Netherlands, and the middle now working on his gap year in a South Africa game park.”
Victoria Montes, of Los Angeles, writes, “I’m looking for introductions to senior executives in market leader management consulting or technology firms needing a talented, analytical, strategic-thinking senior executive for strong business development and revenue growth selling to power and utilities or defense. I motivate and mentor teams, or I can be a high-level individual contributor, like a player-coach. I’m qualified, well-educated, bright, friendly, and upbeat. I live in LA and will consider relocating. Thanks! Victoriamontes777@”
25th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Scott Chalmers, of La Jolla, Calif., updates, “I founded Filmetrics shortly after graduating from Haas and ran it as a one-person operation for two years. Through credit-card financing I was able to grow it into the world unit-sales leader in thin-film measurement. We were acquired by Silicon Valley S&P 500 company KLA Corporation in March.”
Palmer Jackson, of Santa Barbara, Calif., announces, “In April I took over as executive chairman of the Granada Theatre here in Santa Barbara. We are a 1,500-seat performing arts center at the heart of Santa Barbara’s historic arts district.
“I have three boys, ages 24, 22, and 17. The older two have graduated from college and are working; the youngest is a senior in high school. Still playing lots of music with Tom Brigham, MBA 94, and you can follow my ‘mid-life-crisis rock-band’ at or on Facebook: @double-widekings.”
Robert Freedman, of San Francisco, reports, “Andre Marquis and I are proud to announce the go-to-market of our company, Hypershift Systems, commercializing the agile business model innovation work that Andre pioneered at Haas starting in 2012. Just as agile product development allows companies to continuously deliver new product features, Hypershift’s agile business model innovation process, tools, and system allow companies to continuously deliver products with new business models to market. For example, Bosch is scaling globally to over 200 internal startups this year using Hypershift. Contact us at if you want to deliver effective innovation at your company!”
John Hanke, the mastermind behind Pokémon Go and Google Earth, Maps, and Street View, was #8 on Next Reality’s list of 30 people to watch in augmented reality in 2019. Read a 2017 Berkeley Haas profile of Hanke:
Thorne Sparkman, the managing director of the Providence-based Slater Technology Fund, was featured in Providence Business News in July. He answered questions about his career and why he’s bullish about Rhode Island. Read the article:
PG&E Corporation elected John Woolard to its board of directors and to the board of its subsidiary, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, in October. Woolard was chosen for his extensive experience in developing world-class clean energy projects, his technological background and understanding of software and grid-modernization solutions, and his knowledge of California’s regulatory and policy goals.
Mario Alvarez, of Madrid, Spain, notes, “For the third summer in a row, I spent a few weeks in Berkeley as a visiting professor at Haas. Great opportunity to enjoy the new Chou Hall—great views from our classroom on the fifth floor!—and to reconnect with people from our class. Awesome experience again!”
Matthieu Malan, of Casablanca, Morocco, and Paris, France, reports, “My wife Caroline and I have started in Morocco, an online bookstore serving the country with an offer of 2M+ books. We are at second round of investing and things are doing fine. It has been 10 years now. We also have a son, Felix, who will soon be 9.”
Rich Pearson, of Palo Alto, Calif., reports, “After seven years at Upwork and leading the marketing team through its successful IPO, I’ve retired and am now 100 percent focused on transitioning to be a teacher. Teaching third-graders is way more scary than I thought it would be!”
Tom Ryglinski and The Alain Pinel Invest- ment Group joined forces with Compass, a national real estate bro- kerage firm focused on empowering agents.
Andrew (Drew) Parker-Rose, of Lisbon, Portugal, announces, “Left my role as VP of global customer support, cloud operations at Guidewire Software in March. During my 15-year tenure, Guidewire went from startup through IPO (2012) and has become the preemi- nent global supplier of software to the P&C insurance industry.
“Moved with husband, Flavio, and daughter Carina from San Francisco to Lisbon, Portugal, in July in pursuit of new adventures and opportunities. As we settle into our new life, we’d love to connect with other Haas alumni in the Lisbon area. Our connection to California continues, though, as our son Elias, now 20, enters his junior year at UC San Diego.”
20th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Pascal Hoffmann, of Oakland, Calif., writes, “Greg Patterson and I enjoyed participating in the Oakland Olympic Triathlon in August, a few weeks before Greg qualified for the Half-Ironman World Championship in 2020. Go IronGreg!”
Charlene Son Rigby is keeping it local in Oakland, as chief business officer at Fabric Genomics, a software company enabling precision medicine through genomics. She lives in San Francisco with husband Ben Rigby and their two kids, Luca (8 going on 15) and Juno (6). Juno has a rare genetic disease, which was diagnosed after a multi-year diagnostic odyssey. With several other families, Charlene and Ben started the STXBP1 Foundation to create awareness and accelerate a cure for the 500+ kids with this rare disorder (
Cheryl Strachan, of Calgary, Alberta, announces, “I wrote a book! The 30-Minute Heart Healthy Cookbook. As always, appreciate the support from Haas classmates who cheered me on, pre-ordered, and wrote reviews on Amazon.”
Santiago Cilley, of El Cerrito, Calif., updates, “Accepted the CEO role for a very exciting winery project in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada ( I’m spending most of my time up there already, but we’ll move to Vancouver at some point early 2020. Drop a line if you’re ever in town.”
Matthew Day, of Fairfield, Conn., and Newport Beach, Calif., reports, “After 17 years on the East Coast, I recently returned to California to join Roth Capital’s investment banking team in Newport Beach. Focusing on business services and industrial growth sectors in the micro/small-cap and private company spaces. Includes both equity capital raising and M&A advisory. Bicoastal living: I’m based in Newport Beach and flying back every other weekend to be with Katie and the four kiddos in CT. Look forward to reconnecting with the West Coast Haas folks. Matt ([email protected]).”
Dan (Dan Pine) Firepine, of Berkeley, Calif., writes, “Current job is working as a physician in emergency medicine at Kaiser. Would like to expand my network to health-related VC industry alums and entrepreneurs for informational interviewing and branching out.
“Recent amazing trip to several Greek islands with my family, including our 13- and 14-year-olds.”
Ruthanne (Feinberg) Roth, of Burlingame, Calif., announces, “Having been in executive search more or less since Haas, I started another company: Aster Talent Partners. My focus is still primarily non-investment roles for alternative investment, primarily in NYC and the Bay Area.”
, of San Francisco, informs, “Members of the MBA Class of 2002 gathered in August in Amagansett, N.Y., to celebrate Aaron McNally’s 40th birthday. In attendance were (from left) Alex Rogin, Chris Mills, Ben Soccorsy, Aaron McNally, Clarke Miller, Andy Zighelboim, and Mike Todd.”
Marc Rahlves was honored with Humentum’s 2019 Operational Excellence Award in July. Rahlves is the Chief Operating Officer at Nuru International, which equips the poor living in remote, rural areas to end extreme poverty in their com- munities. The award recognizes professionals within the development sector who are innovating, collaborating, and ensuring operational excellence within their organizations. Rahlves was noted for his efforts in putting Nuru “on the map as an important development player in fragile states.”

A shout-out to volunteer extraordinaire Chris Nuttall, MBA 02, for his longstanding leadership of the Berkeley Haas Alumni Chapter in New York. He recently relocated to Dallas for a professional opportunity. Nuttall made a big impact helping to develop a thriving community among our 1,500+ Haas alumni in the NYC metropolitan area.
Jeanine (Kranitz) Lester, of Falls Church, Va., celebrated 15 years with MetLife Investment Management in June 2019. In June 2018 she became the managing director of the Washing- ton, D.C., regional office overseeing both debt and equity in the region.
Jeanine and her husband, Brian, and daughter, Ellie (2), moved to Falls Church, Va., in August of 2018. She misses the Bay Area but would love to see you if you’re in DC!
The Answer
“I’ve joined several classes as an alumni auditor. I learn new things that are relevant to my work, and I get to connect with—and learn from—current students who bring a wide range of experience and expertise.”
Jo Mackness was named the assistant vice chancellor and chief operating officer for UC Berkeley’s Division of Student Affairs. In her role, she’ll lead residential and student service programs. She had previously been serving as interim assistant vice chancellor and chief human resources officer.
15th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Brad Irby is opening a new European office for Alobria Systems, expanding the footprint of the company to include South America, North America, and now Europe. The rapidly growing company is now hiring technical expertise in the region to satisfy the demands of its growing customer list.
Brad and his family have fulfilled a lifelong dream of living in Europe by moving to Rome, Italy. His wife and two boys are adapting well and having a great time exploring Rome, the rest of Italy, and all of Europe.
The Answer
“When considering mov- ing to Rome, I contacted local Haas graduates for the inside story on profes- sional and personal life in Italy. Their advice helped immensely in consider- ing the move, then getting settled and making friends when we arrived.”
Jerome Del Porto, of Dallas, Texas, joined Walmart to lead the international strategy team.
Yoichi Omae, of Shodoshima-Cho, Kagawa, Japan, updates, “After working in the tech/software space in Asia, North America, and Oceania for almost 30 years, I moved to Shodoshima Island in Japan to work for a family-owned and traditional soy sauce company. Come and taste our soy sauce [made in handmade bamboo barrels, not steel tanks], which is very different from ones you can get at the supermarket.” Fermentation takes two years, not a few months as is standard for commercially produced soy sauce.”
BBC Travel produced an article and video about his new employer and its 750-year-old secret ( 1), and CNN highlighted its fifth generation owner’s dedication to tradition ( On Netflix, check out “Salt Fat Acid Heat” Series 1, Episode 2, from 17m 45s.
Rob Kaplan, founder and CEO of Circulate Capital, opened the company ’s new Singa- pore office in August and relocated there with his family. Kaplan writes, “I look forward to connect- ing with many of those involved in the solutions on the ground in the region as we work to catalyze the additional capital needed to solve the ocean plas- tics issue.”
Julia Griffiths, of San Francisco, notes, “I just began serving on the board of directors for Support for Families of Children with Disabilities, which serves families in San Francisco and Marin counties.”
APRIL 24–26, 2020
Chris Giles, the COO of the Oakland A’s, was featured in the East Bay Times for trying a novel approach to snag new A’s fans by introducing a membership model. It appears to be paying off, with the number of fan memberships doubling in a single year.
Sanjay Krishnan, of Los Altos, Calif., started as vice president of prod- uct at Apex.AI, making an operating system software for autonomous vehicles.

Bhavin Parikh, MBA 10, CEO of online test-prep company Magoosh, won a Berkeley Visionary Award, which honors innovators and their visions for the next generation of Berkeley and Bay Area residents.
Neha (Mehta) Khanna, of Marietta, Ga., reports, “Excited to return to the workforce after a six-year hiatus raising my two young kids. I am back at my former employer, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, as a MomForce associate. MomForce is a program for parents returning to work after a career break. I have always found it very rewarding to work in pediatric health care management and am eager to start doing it again! Any other Haas career relaunchers out there? I would be happy to get in touch to cheer them on and provide helpful tips: [email protected].”
Bernadette Geuy, of Emeryville, Calif., announces, “On Saturday morning, July 27, around 25 people took off for a hike behind the Clare- mont Hotel in Berkeley. The event was organized by Susan Rockwood, MBA 89, Frank Rockwood, MBA 93, Bruce Meibos, MBA 84, and Bernadette Geuy, MBA 12, of the East Bay Haas Alumni Association. The Claremont Canyon hike took about two and a half hours up and down some steep pathways. We were rewarded with some great conversations and spectacular views of the East Bay and San Francisco. Participants, including new graduates and alumni representing many years, were honored to have Dean Ann Harrison join us on this adventure.”
The group hiked the Bri- ones Crest Trail on August 24, Bernadette writes. “Join us! Hikes are a great way to meet fellow alumni with the added benefit of a great workout.”
Billy Hwan, of San Fran- cisco, reports, “I’m celebrating my seventh year at Parnassus Investments, the country ’s largest investor in socially minded public companies. One of my favorite parts of the job is that we make money for our investors while also making the world a better place for all stakeholders. Another favorite aspect? I get to work with many other Haas alumni!”
The Answer
“When my son was born five weeks premature, my classmates rallied to donate extra breast milk for him. These amazing mothers not only thought beyond themselves, they literally gave my family a part of themselves.”
Sarah Qualters, of Oakland, Calif., and Rich Qualters celebrated the arrival of their second daughter, Samantha, in February 2019.
Michael Nurick announces that in September he joined Affirm, a financial technology company, as a lead product manager in the NYC office, focusing on Affirm’s expansion into new markets. “On April 1, my second son Ashwin was born. He was healthy, happy, and as even-tempered as his big brother, who is beyond ecstatic about his new brother’s arrival. As a result, we decided to move from Oakland, Calif., to Maplewood, N.J., to raise our boys closer to our families.”
5th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Max Anisimov, of San Francisco, updates, “After leading the product marketing function at a tech company for two years, I’ve left to build a startup in the recruiting space. We’re making a platform where employers will be matched with job seekers based on cultural fit and workstyle preferences. Learn more:
“I’d love to connect with other S.F.-based founders and would appreciate intros to talented CTOs and pre-seed angel investors interested in early-stage startups, SaaS, market- places, or recruiting. You can reach me via LinkedIn ( or email ([email protected]).”
Libby Hadzima, of Berkeley, Calif., writes, “Still working at Cooley LLP serving as outside general counsel to startup companies and founders on corporate matters (including currently several Haas alums). Josie Mica Perkins was born in February 2018—she is all smiles and curiosity (as are her parents).”
Andrew Lee reports, “I moved to New York City and started a new job as VP of growth at, a nearly invisible, interactive home gym that streams live and on-demand fitness instructors.”
Saharnaz Safari was featured in TechCrunch for her startup SpaceRyde, which aims to make space more accessible. SpaceRyde, which Safari co-founded with her husband, is pursuing a novel way of launching light payloads, which could help small satellite companies save money. The technology makes it possible to use a relatively tiny rocket by attaching it to a stratospheric balloon then launching from an altitude much closer to orbit. Read the article:
Jack Song, of San Fran- cisco, is now the head of communications at Grabango, the leading checkout-free technology service provider for existing brick-and-mortar grocers and retailers. The company has raised $18M to date from top VC firms and is headquartered in Berkeley.
Jack has designed marketing campaigns for entertainment, government, and consumer tech clients for more than 15 years. Most recently, he led global communications at Lime, the world’s leading shared micro-mobility company founded byToby Sun, MBA 13, and Brad Bao, MBA 05. Jack played critical roles during the company’s global expansion to more than 20 countries. He counseled key senior executives on government relations, community affairs, and brand strategy, resulting in recognition for Lime from Time and AdAge.

Chida Khatua, MBA 16, co-founder and CEO of EquBot, was named one of 10 people transforming investing and among 100 people transforming business by Business Insider. He earned the accolades for being “the first CEO to merge artificial intelligence and traditional stock picking
into a product anyone can invest in.” Khatua (center) co-founded EquBot with the company’s COO, Art Armador, MBA 16, and CIO, Chris Natividad, BS 04, MBA 16.
LeAnn (Turner) Darland (shown right), says, “I recently launched TALEA Beer Co. in New York City (! After working at Hopsy for two years my female co-founder found a huge opportunity in the beer market: women are the fastest-growing segment among craft beer consumers, yet breweries aren’t effectively speaking to them. We believe we can expand the craft beer consumer base with approachable flavors, intriguing design, and an elevated taproom experience. We’ve launched five beers, selling into 100+ accounts across NYC and the Hamptons (including all NYC Whole Foods). We’re currently fundraising for our own brewery and first taproom and would love to have more Haas alumni join our team of investors! Please reach out to [email protected] for information.”
Chinmay Malaviya, of San Francisco, wrote in to share a photo from graduation. Bottom row (from left): Andy Kang, Chinmay Malaviya, and Noam Nishry.
Mike Solarz reports, “I’m thrilled to be working as a real estate agent with Keller Williams 51 San Francisco. We are focused on helping buyers and sellers in the Bay Area and throughout the country. I’m excited to be working with families on their next move as well as investors with their next opportunity. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch!”
1st Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
15th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Elias Eliadis, of Oakland, Calif., was promoted to senior manager in EY’s Strategy and Operations national practice. Elias is based in San Francisco and advises clients on M&A, divestiture, and restructuring strategies focusing on the product development and supply chain functions.
Simon Osborne, of London, England, announces, “I have just celebrated two years at the NYSE-listed/S&P 500 company Affiliated Manag- ers Group (ticker AMG). In addition, I am enjoying a promotion to vice pres- ident, global compliance, overseeing all the distri- bution offices outside the U.S. Global regulatory and risk management is a new-project every day. This year marks five years since we returned to the U.K. While we miss California, it’s nice to finally feel settled back in my own country!”
10th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Timothy Campos and Burc Arpat won a 2019 Appy Award for Productivity for their new app Woven (
5th Reunion
April 24–26, 2020
Sally Allain, of San Diego, reports, “Appointed head of JLABS @ Washington, D.C., Johnson & Johnson Innovation—a 32,000-square foot facility to be located at the new Children’s National Research and Innovation Campus in Washington, D.C. We will open in late 2020 and focus on developing the most innovative medicines and devices for our youngest and most vulnerable patients at Children’s National, collaborating in partnership with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a component of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The BARDA collaboration will focus on the advancement of medical countermeasures aimed at securing our nation from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, as well as from pandemic influenza and emerging infectious diseases. I’m excited to make an impact with this unique JLABS site, the partnerships with Children’s National and BARDA, as well as the companies we’ll source and support in the Washington, D.C., ecosystem.”
The Answer
“When I started at Google, I reached out to several Haas alums here to get acquainted. It’s helped me acclimate and made me feel like I have additional allies throughout the company.”
Darrick Lam, of Sacramento, Calif., was appointed to Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee on August 15. Along with 33 other professionals with varying experiences and expertise, he will help to develop components of the Master Plan, including best practices and data metrics, to guide the work of state government, local communities, private organizations, and philanthropy to build environments that promote an age-friendly California.
The Answer
“Because I know we share the Defining Leadership Principles, I’ve been able to reach out to alumni for a number of business partnerships, to say to them, ‘let’s do this differently.’ And we do.”
The Answer
“I connected with the Haas Education Club for help circulating some opportunities within my agency. I have one very promising applicant.”
1st Reunion
April 24–26, 2020

San Francisco earned Chapter of the Year honors for uniting, nurturing, and stimulating the 6,500+ Berkeley Haas alumni based in SF. The chapter hosts multiple events each month, a mix of social, volunteer-oriented, and industry and affinity-based gatherings. Props to immediate Past President Shazia Virji, BS 11, current President Victoria Chen, BS 13, and VP Corey Cunningham, MBA 20, for their continued efforts. Learn more:

Dean's list
Lisa Ordóñez, MS 92, is the new dean of the UC San Diego Rady School of Management. She was previously a professor and vice dean of the University of Arizona Eller College of Management for 25 years.
Fred Wenstop, of Oslo, Norway, retired in 2015.
Cathy Goodwin, of Philadelphia, writes, “I have some books on Amazon that my fellow alums might enjoy: Grow Your Business One Story At A Time (; Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover (; and Making The Big Move: How to Transform Relocation Into A Creative Life Transition ( Still working as a copywriter and marketing strategist in Philadelphia with virtual clients all over the world. Still living in Philly—moved from Old City to the Bella Vista area.”
Executive Education
Rajesh Shrestha, of Salt Lake City, Utah, was named CEO for Castell, an Intermountain Healthcare company. Castell is a comprehensive health platform company, focused on elevating value-based care capabilities with providers, payers, health care systems, and accountable care organizations. Castell will deliver impactful solutions that help other organizations accelerate their transition from volume to value-based systems of care, improve outcomes, and keep costs more affordable. During Castell’s launch Rajesh was featured in several media outlets, including Modern Healthcare, Becker’s Hospital Review, Yahoo Finance, Healthcare Dive, MobiHealth, and many others. Rajesh also serves as COO at Intermountain Health- care, Community Based Care.