Haas News
Asst. Prof. Ellen Evers wins top mentoring award
10 ideas to improve booking performance during the crisis
Behind the blitz: Falun Gong practitioners spend millions on Shen Yun ads. How do they do it?
How We’re Duped by Data
Kate Hart, MBA 86Little League Baseball Umpire & Senior Brand Manager, The Wine Group
Ace Patterson, MBA 16Hip-Hop Artist & Consumer Marketing Operations Manager, Facebook
Startup: SuiteSocial
How to harness AI technology for marketing success
How information is like snacks, money, and drugs—to your brain
Damien Huang, MBA 06President, Eddie Bauer
Shake On It
Fearless Woman of Wall Street
Financial Times (paywall)
Regret is a gambler’s curse, scientists say
Can racism, sexism, and other biases be quantified?
Meet the faculty: Haas welcomes three rising academic stars