Haas News
Many pluses, zero minuses, some division
Fringe Benefits
CNN taps Scott Galloway as host for new streaming service
How data detectives spotted fake numbers in a widely cited paper
Brain Freeze
Want to go viral? Influencers won’t be much help if you’re trying to spread a complex idea
Growing your brand with subcategories — with David Aaker
How our imperfect memories may affect the choices we make
How imperfect memory causes poor choices
Is ‘brand’ relevant for businesses that don’t advertise
Berkeley Haas hosts 2021 Clorox Case Competition
Why Honesty and integrity pay: The benefits of truth-based marketing
Emily Powell, BCEMBA 08President & Owner, Powell’s Books
Berkeley’s longtime ‘hippie bread’ bakery is in peril of closing
The allure of mysteries
Does advertising actually work: Part 2, digital
Blurring the lines between physical and digital spaces
How to be Successful on Instagram, TikTok, & Co.
Navigating the new era of influencer marketing
Curiosity and hunger are driven by the same brain regions