2024 Berkeley Haas Year in Review
The Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership will kick off the second annual Schwab Charitable Philanthropy Speaker Series on Sept. 15 with Jane Wales, founder of the Global Philanthropy Forum.
A second event on international microfinance and innovation with Grameen Foundation leaders will follow on Sept. 30.
The Sept. 15 event with Wales will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Wells Fargo Room and is open to the Haas community. Wales' Global Philanthropy Forum is a group of more than 750 social investors committed to international causes throughout the world. Wales is also president and CEO of the World Affairs Council of Northern California, host of the nationally syndicated National Public Radio interview show It’s Your World, and was recently named in the Nonprofit Times Power and Influence Top 50 for 2009.
The Sept. 30 event with Grameen Foundation leaders will take place at the Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley (event time to be announced). Grameen Foundation helps microfinance institutions, credit unions, cooperatives, and poverty-focused organizations secure financing, develop strategies to attract and maintain a talented and dedicated workforce, and better track how quickly their clients are leaving poverty. The foundation is a leader in the fight against poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Arab world, and the Americas.
Check for updates and register for the events at http://nonprofit.haas.berkeley.edu/community.asp.
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