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A new book co-edited by Professor David Vogel brings together a collection of essays on the interaction of policymaking among the European Union, United States, and state of California.
Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: The Shifting Roles of the EU, the US and California (Edward Elgar Publishers, September 2011) explores a wide range of policy areas, including motor vehicle standards, water regulation, chemical regulation, climate change, and biotechnology, showing in each case how these three political jurisdictions have affected one another’s regulatory policies and priorities.
Vogel, the Soloman P. Lee Chair in Business Ethics and editor of the Haas journal California Management Review, edited the book with Johan F. M. Swinnen of the Catholic University of Leuven and the Centre for European Policy Studies in Belgium.
Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation highlights the importance of increasing regulatory cooperation among the United States, the state of California, and the European Union. Its contributors offer a number of recommendations for enhancing both policy learning and policy coordination in order to improving policy effectiveness in addressing global environmental challenges. The book includes contributions from six UC Berkeley faculty as well as several European scholars.
Vogel first became interested in comparing European and American regulatory policies while on sabbatical at the London Business School in the early 1980’s. “I have always been fascinated by the different ways Europe and the United States approach consumer and environmental issues,” says Vogel.
The book is the result of a three-year joint research project sponsored by the Berkeley Institute for Governmental Studies, the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, the German Marshall Fund, and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for External Relations Pilot Program on Transatlantic Methods of Handling Global Challenges.
Vogel’s interest in this project is linked to his comparative research on transatlantic consumer and environmental regulation. Vogel has been working on another book, The Politics of Precaution: Health, Safety and Environmental Risk Regulation in Europe and the United States that will be published in spring 2012 by Princeton University Press.
A new book co-edited by Professor David Vogel brings together a collection of essays on the interaction of policymaking in Europe and the U.S. Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: The Shifting Roles of the EU, the US and California explores a wide range of policy areas, including motor vehicle standards, water regulation, chemical regulation, climate change, and biotechnology, showing in each case how these three political jurisdictions have affected one another’s regulatory policies and priorities.
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