Melinda French Gates will donate $150 million toward women in the workplace — and one-third of it will go to AI
Stripe CEO says he used to be a ‘misanthropic introvert’ and would still prefer to be a ‘cave dweller’ than work in the office
Kamala Harris is closing in on the perfect economic message — but the left’s price-gouging exaggerations could undermine it
E-commerce is witnessing the Amazon-ification of Shein, as the fast-fashion behemoth woos skincare and toy brands
Sam Bankman-Fried and Elizabeth Holmes may just be the tip of the corporate fraud iceberg that costs the economy $830 billion annually, study says
New research finds that despite the stereotypes, women actually negotiate their salaries more than men
‘Less carbon is less cost’: CEOs say their companies are making steady progress toward decarbonization