January 30, 2012

Profs from MIT, Johns Hopkins Join Haas


Laura Counts

Two new professors joined the Haas faculty this spring semester: Gustavo Manso from the MIT Sloan School of Management and Przemyslaw Jeziorski from Johns Hopkins University. 

Manso joined the Haas Finance Group as an associate professor after spending five years at the MIT Sloan School of Management. In addition to investigating incentives for innovation, Manso has researched firms' dynamic investment and financing decisions. He was awarded the Lehman Brothers Fellowship for Research Excellence in Finance in 2006. Manso is teaching the MBA Corporate Finance course this spring.

Jeziorski joined the Haas Marketing Group as an assistant professor. Jeziorski received his PhD from Stanford GSB and previously was on the faculty at the economics department of Johns Hopkins University. He is currently studying dynamics of mergers in media markets as well as the demand for sponsored search advertising.

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