October 26, 2009

New Haas Veterans Club to Host Talk on Leadership and Diversity


Haas News

A new club for Berkeley MBA military veterans will host its first speaker event Nov. 16 with Mary George, co-chair of Bell Automotive Products and a board member of three other consumer products companies.

George, who came to America through an arranged marriage and went on to earn an MBA from Harvard Business School, will discuss her leadership challenges as an Indian woman new to corporate America. Her talk will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Wells Fargo Room.

In addition to her role at Bell, which makes automobile accessories such as air fresheners and seat covers, George serves on the board of vacuum cleaner company Oreck, 3-Day Blinds, and sunglass company Oakley. She previously served as president of Bell Sports.

The Haas Veterans Club was created to serve the approximately 40 US and international veterans in the Berkeley MBA program. It was started by classmates Sean Seung Jung, Prentiss Nelson, Ben Richey, and Evan Schwimmer, all MBA 10, who were helped by Tony Duynstee and John Pettus, both MBA 09.

The club aims to support its members through the process of transitioning from the military to the civilian sector, to improve military member recruiting at Haas, and to expand the military network overall. Its membership is open to anyone interested in its activities and in developing relationships with military communities both locally and internationally. That includes not only veterans but students who plan to work in the defense industry, who want to know about military service, or who have a partner who serves in military.

The club's inaugural event with George is open to the Haas community. For more information about the Haas Veterans Club, contact James Bender, MBA 10.