December 6, 2010

Marketing Expert David Aaker to Speak on New Book, Feb. 16


Haas News

Haas Professor Emeritus David Aaker, vice-chairman of international brand and marketing consulting firm Prophet, will be the first speaker to address the Haas community in 2011.

Aaker will speak on Feb. 16 at 12:30 p.m. in the Wells Fargo Room. Aaker, a world-recognized marketing expert, will talk about his new book, Brand Relevance, to be released in January.

The event, the “David Aaker Distinguished Lecture Series in Marketing,” is co-sponsored by the Dean’s Speaker Series, the MBA Marketing Club, and the Undergraduate Marketing Club.

Stay tuned for more details early next year on other top business leaders coming to Haas during the spring semester as part of the Dean's Speaker Series.