Berkeley Haas Magazine Spring 2022
Haas Events | Spring 2022
Silicon Valley Chapter Board Member Retreat
Standing: Vic Adint, MBA 98; Srinivas Hanabe, MBA 10; Jenny Huang, BS 87; Nora Li, MBA/MPH 01; Emily Ying Wang, BS 19. Sitting: Lili Kan, MBA 06; Eric Tom, MBA 83; Abha Bhagat, MBA 10; Jake Schroth, Haas director of development; Hazel Zambrano, BS 12, Haas associate director of alumni communities.
Silicon Valley, CA
Cal Football Game & Retreat with Bay Area Chapter Leaders
Back row: Tenny Frost, Haas executive director of development & alumni relations; Florian Pestoni, MBA 01; Liz Rosenberg, Haas director of alumni engagement & leadership development. Front row: Faye Teng, BS 16; Ellen O’Connor, MBA 83; Peter McIntyre, MBA 11; Monique Baylocq, MBA 96; Hazel Zambrano, BS 12, Haas associate director of alumni communities; Vicky Chen, BS 13; Lili Kan, MBA 06.
Berkeley, CA
Beijing Chapter Gathering
From left: Rabby Yang, BS 21; Isabel Feng, MBA 13; Jacqueline Zhong, MBA 13; Emma Qian, MBA 12; Vince Yang, MBA 12; Emilie Deng, MBA 13; Tom Tan, MBA 07; Yue Chen, BS 20.
Chapter Holiday Get-Together
Clockwise from lower left: Flavia Bicalho, MBA 16; Gustavo Ribeiro, MBA 12; and MBA 15 classmates Ignacio Larrain, Guilherme Porto Florido, Eric Prando, Nicolas Schiafino, and Bento Mussnichs.
São Paulo
Dean’s Speaker Series
Robert Ford, EMBA 15, president & CEO of Abbott, meeting with students before the event.
Berkeley, CA
Chapter Holiday Party
Cassie Hallberg, Linda Lee, and Laura Flores, all MBA 95.
New York, NY
Chapter Holiday Party
Jason Block, BS 17; Raj Muhar, BS 16; Martin Szczepanik, MBA 18; Kara Jancourtz, BS 09; Caitlyn Kuan, BA 98 (legal studies).
New York, NY
2021 Blue & GOLD Bash
Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) alumni celebrating at The St. Regis hotel.
San Francisco, CA
2021 Blue & GOLD Bash
Terrence Mullin, MBA 21; Sora Elcan, MBA 19; Dana Zhang, MBA 21; and Akon Mubagwa, MBA 21.
San Francisco, CA
2021 Blue & GOLD Bash
Kendra Mcintyre-Linton, BS 18; Ty Lauderdale; Hazel Zambrano, BS 12; Hezekiah Burton, BS 18; and Austin Drake, BS 18.
San Francisco, CA
Alumni Dinner in Miami
Clockwise from lower left: Zeke Silvani, MBA 14; Nick Bellamy, MBA 21; Fiona Stavrou; Peggy Stora; Fernando Martinez, MBA 00; Christos Costandinides, MBA 00; Samir Das, MBA 13; Mark Elbadramany, MBA 13; and Madeleine Moss Funes, MBA 07. To join the new Berkeley Alumni Florida Chapter visit:
Miami, FL
BREAA NYC Summer Picnic
From left: John Morgan, MBA 18; Jamie Capito, BA 06; Sun-Sun de Swaan, BS 99; and Michael Bar, BA 96.
New York, NY
44th Annual Golden Grads Reunion & Luncheon
Sharon Hasegawa, BS 69.
Berkeley, CA
44th Annual Golden Grads Reunion & Luncheon
Dick Hildebrand and Bob Sciutto, both BS 61.
Berkeley, CA