September 26, 2011

Haas Moves Forward on Diversity Plan


Haas News

The Haas School has started to implement its diversity plan, with an effort to hire a new part-time diversity director now under way.

The Berkeley-Haas Equity, Inclusion, Diversity plan was shared with central campus in July and held up by the university as a best practice. Components include the new director position, which will facilitate execution of the diversity strategy, especially around the student lifecycle—from recruiting to alumni, as well as goals for all Haas populations.

“Diversity and inclusion are important drivers of the Berkeley-Haas mission to develop leaders who redefine how we do business,” says Dean Rich Lyons. “People looking at opportunities from very different angles strengthens our courses, programs, and research, expanding the positive difference we can make in our world.”

Aligned with the UC Berkeley Campus equity, inclusion, and diversity strategy, Haas’ strategies have been established to strengthen research, teaching, and public service related to diversity, equity, and inclusion; extend pathways for access and success; and foster an engaging and healthy campus climate. Specific goals include :

  • Tracking faculty efforts to promote diversity through teaching and to conduct diversity research;
  • Increasing the diversity pipeline for all graduate programs;
  • Securing $500,000 in funds for diversity scholarships and special initiatives;
  • Recruiting and selecting a diverse staff;
  • Analyzing the Haas Student Satisfaction Survey to determine if significant differences in gender and ethnicity exist;
  • Building awareness of the importance of equity, inclusion, and diversity across all Haas populations.

The equity, inclusion, and diversity leadership team includes Senior Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Chizuk, Associate Professor Rui de Figueiredo, and Director of Human Resources Denise Boyd. Jo Mackness, Center for Responsible Business executive director, continues to lead Haas’ diversity and inclusion efforts and to serve as interim diversity director; Susie Hanna-Jordan, an analyst in the dean's suite, serves as the diversity project manager.

Read about Full-Time Bereley MBA Program Diversity