March 19, 2012

Haas Japanese Community Says Thank You


Haas News

Dear Haas,

It is a year since the March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Although the local communities affected by the earthquake still have a long road to recovery, the Haas Japanese community would like to take a moment one year on to thank the broader Haas community for its quick response in the aftermath of the tragedy and continued support in the months since. 
We have received many warm messages and gestures of support during difficult times and were supported by one of our Defining Principles, Beyond Yourself. On behalf of the people in Japan, we are deeply grateful for your compassion and generosity. Because of friends like you, many domestic and international disaster responders have been able to support Japan.
Again, thank you for the difference you have made to the people in the wake of the Tohoku disaster.
Taka M Uenishi, MBA 12, on behalf of Haas Japanese Community