Fall Peterson Series Launches with Talk on Global Sustainability Megaforces

The Haas Center for Responsible Business (CRB) will kick off its fall Peterson Series Sept. 5 with two sustainable business experts who will talk about the sustainability megaforces─from climate change and resource scarcity to urbanization and food security─that will impact business over the next 20 years. 

Mark Lee of the think tank and strategy consultancy SustainAbility and Chris Coulter of the public research consultancy GlobeScan will provide an overview of these megaforces, discuss the implications for today’s managers, and lead a rich discussion on strategies for mitigating the risks and harnessing the opportunities they present.

Lee, executive director of SustainAbility, has more than 15 years of experience in key leadership positions in the sustainability field. Accountable for SustainAbility’s global consulting strategy, he directly advises such companies as Ford, Gap, Nestlé, Nike, Shell, and Starbucks.

Coulter is the president of GlobeScan, a public opinion research consultancy that conducts reputation, brand, sustainability, engagement, and trends research. He has 15 years of experience advising global companies, guiding GlobeScan’s project teams, and developing partnerships with long-term clients and external consultancies.

The Peterson Series was created in 1997 through a generous gift from Rudolph Peterson, a 1925 UC Berkeley graduate and former CEO and president of Bank of America.

The Sept. 5 Peterson Series talk will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the Howard Room at the UC Berkeley Faculty Club. Lunch will be provided.  Student attendees will be able to sign up for office hours after the event, with either speaker. To register for the event, visit www.eventbrite.com/event/4130496426.
