September 3, 2015

Fall Dean’s Speaker Series Features Bay Area and Berkeley Leaders


Laura Counts

The fall Dean’s Speaker Series kicks off next week with a high-profile lineup of six leaders with ties to Berkeley-Haas and the Bay Area—including the former U.S. Secretary of Energy, a top Golden State Warriors executive, and a Silicon Valley software pioneer.

The series starts on Tuesday, Sept. 8, with a talk from branding and advertising trailblazer Kevin Roberts, executive chairman of New York advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi. Roberts (pictured, top left) will discuss creative leadership, “a supercharged approach to success in today’s turbulent environment.” He speaks at 12:30 p.m. in the Wells Fargo Room.

The rest of the fall lineup (clockwise from Roberts):

Steven Chu, PhD 76, Nobel Laureate, former U.S. Secretary of Energy, and UC Berkeley physics professor

Friday, Sept. 11, 12 p.m., Andersen Auditorium
Chu will speak on the challenges and opportunities climate change presents, a topic former Vice President Al Gore addressed during the Dean’s Speaker Series last spring. Chu is the former director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Peter Flint, co-founder of real estate website Trulia and board member of the Zillow Group

Thursday, Sept. 24, 12:30 p.m., Wells Fargo Room
Flint will share his story of starting and scaling an online real estate business in the Bay Area, by questioning the status quo within a traditional and heavily regulated industry.

Mitch Kapor, founder of Lotus Development Corp.

Monday, Oct. 5, 12:30 p.m., Wells Fargo Room
Following his talk, Kapor will meet one-on–one with Haas students involved in social innovation.

Rick Welts, president and chief operating officer of the Golden State Warriors, the 2015 NBA champions

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 12:30 p.m., Wells Fargo Room.

Joy Chen, BS 87, H20 Plus chairman and CEO

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 12:30 p.m., Wells Fargo Room.

Additionally, a panel, Putting a Woman on the Ten Dollar Bill and Closing the Gender Gap in Finance, is scheduled for Monday, September 28, at 6 PM in the Wells Fargo Room.  The panel includes Rosie Rios, Treasurer of the United States; Julie Bell, BS 97, CFO, Tea Collection; Larissa Roesch, MBA 97, vice president & portfolio manager, Dodge & Cox; and students Morgana Davids, MBA 16, Sydney Thomas, MBA 16, and Rachel Park, MBA/MPH 16. Registration is required here.

All events are free and open to the public, although advance registration is required and priority is given to Haas students, staff, and faculty. Registration typically opens seven to ten days before the event.

Every spring and fall, the Dean’s Speaker Series brings to Haas distinguished leaders from around the world in various business, government, and social sectors to share their experience and views on innovative leadership. The talks are made possible in part by the Mary Josephine Hicks Distinguished Speaker Series Fund.