December 9, 2013

2013 Haas Faculty Book Roundup


Haas News

Congratulations to Berkeley-Haas faculty who published new books during the past year. Here is a roundup, as reported by Haas faculty:

The Transaction Cost Economics Project: TheWilliamson Book Theory and Practice of the Governance of Contractual Relations
Oliver E. Williamson (Edward Elgar, June 2013)
Examines Transaction Cost Economics in four parts: Theory and Concepts, Public Policy, Interdisciplinary Social Science, and Perspectives



The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management
David J. Teece and Mie Augier, co-editors (info to come)
Over 700 individually commissioned entries and a further 85 signposts, written by leading academics, practitioners and emerging stars. Provides an exemplary reference work for students, teachers, scholars and practitioners wishing to understand the central ideas and issues in strategic management, but also to make a substantive contribution to the field, and thus aid its continuing development and growth.

Jaffee Book     Oxford Handbook of Offshoring and Global Employment
Dwight M. Jaffee, with Ashok Bardhan and Cynthia A. Kroll (Oxford University Press, May 2013)
Provides a global perspective on how offshoring is affecting employment by collecting essays from eminent authors covering a wide range of countries around the world.



Tadelis BookGame Theory: An Introduction
Steven Tadelis (Princeton University Press, January 2013)
Provides a balanced treatment of the subject that is both conceptual and hands-on. Introduces readers to the basic theories behind games and presents real-world examples from various fields of study such as economics, political science, military science, finance, biological science as well as general game playing.


Accounting Research: Notes and Perspectives
Yaniv Konchitchki (University of Southern California Figueroa Press, May 2013)
A collection of leading mainstream financial accounting research studies that are considered as classics, providing their brief hypotheses descriptions, findings, and research design. Designated for students professors, managers, investment experts, and hedge fund professionals.

Hakansson BookSocial Security’s Investment Shortfall: $8 Trillion Plus – and The Way Forward – Plus How the US Government’s Financial Deficit Reporting = 64 Madoffs
Nils H. Hakansson (World Scientific, January 2013)
Demonstrates how much stronger the Social Security System, and the world economy, would be if the Social Security Trust Fund had been invested in both stocks and Treasury bonds instead of just government bonds alone.


 Selinger BookThe Missing Link: from College to Career and Beyond, Personal Financial Management (4th Edition)
Fred Selinger (Pearson Learning Solutions, August 2013)
Provides personal financial management lessons for those who are concerned about their financial future in a complex world of credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, credit reports, FICO scoring, re-paying student loans, identity theft, the impact of love and money in a relationship, ways to buy a house or car, personal taxes, IRAs, 401(k) plans, endless investment options in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, insurance, and soaring medical and retirement costs.

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