Undergrad Program Rises in BusinessWeek Ranking

The Haas Undergraduate Program moved to #11 from #13 last year in a ranking by BusinessWeek published Tuesday.

In academic program quality, Haas climbed to #3 from #14 last year in the ranking. The program’s median starting salary increased to $65,000 from $58,000 last year.
BusinessWeek assigns letter grades based on student survey responses in three areas, which do not count toward the ranking. Haas received the following grades:
A in Job Placement
A in Facilities and Services
B in Teaching Quality
The ranking is based on a survey of seniors; a survey of recruiters; a questionnaire completed by participating schools, which provides such information as median starting salary and SAT scores; and a measure of MBA feeder schools drawn from BusinessWeek’s 2006, 2008, and 2010 MBA surveys.
By comparison, the Haas Undergraduate Program consistently ranks #3 in the U.S. News & World Report ranking, published in the fall.