69 Faculty Members Make “Club Six” for Fall Teaching

Students gave 69 faculty members, or 46 percent of instructors, a mean teaching score of at least six on a seven-point scale during the fall 2012 semester.

The "Club Six" ranking is based on written evaluations from students in all degree programs. It is a key metric used by Haas to measure the teaching performance of its instructors.

Among the Club Six instructors, 12 faculty members, or 8 percent of all instructors during the fall semester, had means of at least 6.0 in multiple courses. Those faculty members are:

  • Sunil Dutta (MBA, PHD)
  • Kellie McElhaney (EWMBA/FTMBA, XMBA)
  • Reza Moazzami (EWMBA, UG)
  • Leif Nelson (EWMBA, FTMBA)
  • Panos Patatoukas (EWMBA, PHD)
  • Mark Rittenberg (EWMBA, XMBA)
  • Holly Schroth (FTMBA, UG)
  • Frank Schultz (EWMBA, UG)
  • Sarah Tasker (EWMBA, FTMBA)
  • Suneel Udpa (EWMBA, FTMBA, UG)
  • Cort Worthington (FTMBA, UG)
  • Xiao-Jun Zhang (EWMBA, FTMBA)

See a comprehensive list of the Club 6 scores (Haas password required)
